
Showing posts from February, 2020

Introduction to Node JS

L et's talk about node js; the most powerful JavaScript platform. Node JS is a JavaScript runtime environment. Okay! Sounds good. Right? But what does that mean?   Node JS runtime environment includes everything that we want to execute a program written in JavaScript. Node JS came into existence intending to create real-time websites with WebSockets. It is an open-source, free, cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side and networking applications.      Why Should I Use Node JS? Extremely Fast Node JS is created on Google Chrome's JavaScript Engine(V8 Engine). So in code execution, its library is really fast. I/O is Event-Driven and Asynchronous All APIs of the Node JS library are asynchronous. Because of that Node JS based server never waits for an API to return data. The server goes to the next API after calling it and a Node JS notification mechanism events support the server to get a response from a previous API c...

Basics of JavaScript

JavaScript!!  How ubiquitous   it is.   It is in almost every website. When HTML and CSS are languages that give the structure and the style to a particular web page, JavaScript gives that web page interactive elements. In detail, JavaScript is simple, easy learning, a text-based programming language used both in client and server sides which allows making web pages interactive. It is an open-source, lightweight cross-platform. JavaScript adds behavior to web pages. It is one of the most flexible coding languages with abilities from visual effects to data presentation to servers.  What is JavaScript used for? Add interactive behavior to web pages Create web applications and mobile apps Game development JavaScript Engine Google's V8 engine is the most popular example of the JavaScript engine.   V8 engine consists of 2 components. Memory Heap Call Stack How does JavaScript work? JavaScript is traditionally client-side w...

What is Application Framework

The framework defines the idea of what Application Framework is. Application Frameworks make writing applications as easy as ABC. The application framework is a software library that provides a fundamental frame to help the development of an application for a certain environment.  Hence, simply framework is a frame and a work. If you think about a photo frame you put a photo into the frame, it has to be fit to the frame. Just like that, you will do all your work around the frame. Whenever you write some codes in a framework you have a specific structure predetermined. This means the Application Framework lets you build applications from scratch with writing less code. And it prevents you from repeating yourself. Advantages of using an Application Framework 'DON'T REPEAT YOURSELF!' It is one of the key tactics of being a good developer. Most times when developing a new web application, we need exactly the same requirements.   Starting a new enterprise web app...